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Nastya Ivleeva is dating a boyfriend 11 years younger than her



Nastya Ivleeva, Boris Makhmurov/Instagram

Nastya Ivleeva is dating a new boyfriend who is 11 years younger than her. It turned out to be model Boris Makhmurov, suggest the authors of the telegram channel “Only to anyone...” . 

According to an insider, the couple’s relationship is indicated by photographs of Nastya and Boris in identical yellow sweaters, a red toy, a photo of which they published in their stories*, and a photo of Makhmurov on Ivleeva’s Instagram.


Boris Makhmurov Boris Makhmurov/Instagram

“Eljay is finally in the past? It seems we know who Nastya Ivleeva’s new boyfriend is. Our insiders believe that this is model Borya Makhmurov, who is 11 years younger than the presenter,” writes “Only to anyone...”.

Let us recall that 32-year-old Nastya Ivleeva was married to rapper Eldzhey for two years. The couple divorced in 2021, but have since repeatedly hinted at a reunion. There were also rumors about the presenter’s romance with the director of the series “The Monastery,” where she played the main role, Alexander Molochnikov.


Last month, the blogger got into a scandal after she invited a guest to eat boiled guinea pig in a new episode of her show. The presenter was accused of cruelty to animals and asked to “cancel.” After which Nastya apologized and deleted the episode with the guinea pig. The other day, Ivleeva said that she had lost 14 kilograms over the summer, and showed before and after pictures. The presenter allegedly noticed the changes in weight by chance when she was looking through photos taken six months ago.

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