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French coloring book will help children get rid of gender stereotypes




A coloring book in French called "Ca deborde!" (Everything Flows, Everything Changes!) is intended for children aged 4 years and above and aims to explain that not everyone fits perfectly into traditional binary concepts of gender.

Artist Sophie Labelle drew thirty funny pictures that explain to children that it’s okay not to fit into generally accepted standards.

“Sandro is neither a boy nor a girl,” explains the first page with a drawing of a child on a skateboard. “This child is genderqueer. Sometimes he feels like a boy, sometimes he feels like a girl. And today he feels great!” Another drawing explains: "Stephy was not born into a boy's body. She is a girl and this is her body. Her body is a girl's body." In addition to Sandro/a and Stephie, the book features a boy wearing a dress and a princess saving a knight and his two sons.

This is not the first time LaBelle has made drawings that explain what gender is. In addition to working as a freelance teacher in Montreal, she draws comics. In particular, she is the author of an online comic about a transgender girl called "Assigne garcon" (Designated by a Boy) facebook-white sharing button Share vk-white sharing button Share twitter-white sharing button Tweet odnoklassniki-white sharing button Share

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