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Model Liza Adamenko deleted photos of her husband 55-year-old "Lukoil" oil company top manager Valentin Ivanov from Instagram

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Director of the model school said that the oligarch Ivanov worked year and a half to earn 14 year old model Liza Adamenko.

According to the director of the model school "Fashion & Style" Tatiana Matyazh, oligarch Valentin Ivanov bought all the magazines, which published a photo of Liza Adamenko.

According to Matyazh, Ivanov was very concerned about Adamenko: during her arrivals to Moscow, he always sent a car around for Liza to keep her from riding the subway or train. He also stalked Liza and director of the school, waiting for them to arrive safely to the hotel or to photo shoot location.

Director of the model school said that Adamenko and Ivanov met in Singapore during her first visit to the country. Women were throwin' themselves at Ivanov, but he saw Liza and fell in love with her on sight. Matyazh assured that Adamenko was unattainable girl, she gave Ivanov the brush-off.

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Oligarch Ivanov worked year and a half to earn 14 year old model Liza Adamenko and bought all the magazines, which published a photo of Liza Adamenko.

Matyazh confirmed that Adamenko was 18 years old when she got married.

Earlier, Ivanov was married to Alain Filinkova born in 1993.

Adamenko about a year ago commented on the relationship with Ivanov in group of "VKontakte". "Why do you think if a girl deals with a man older than herself, that person will automatically become a whore, and he will become a "sugar daddy"? A new level of communication, that's what I'll tell you. Stay on your “herd" level, and we all together are going to celebrate 55th Anniversary of my man! "- wrote Adamenko.

However, recently Liza Adamenko has deleted photos of her husband from Instagram. Now her account became a topic of discussion, because the young wife deleted all the wedding photos with her husband.

A young girl recently married a 55-year-old Valentin Ivanov - the famous "Lukoil" oil company top manager. After the wedding, Liza posted on the network photos, and her husband was immediately charged with marrying a young and inexperienced girl.

Perhaps after many unkind remarks, Liza has deleted all photos, because she could no longer suffer this kind of abuse on a daily basis. Now she shared to Instagram a photo of her elder brother.

It should be noted that Liza has more than seventy thousand subscribers. Among them not only her fans, who lost confidence in the adequacy of Valentin Ivanov, but also those who believe that all ages is under the influence of love, and is waiting for new pictures of the couple.

{ (liza)}

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