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She earned it herself: you won’t believe what the richest girl in America looks like today


She earned it herself: you won’t believe what the richest girl in America looks like today The "Living Angel" turned into a multimillionaire.

American Ira Brown became the embodiment of little Barbie at the age of two. The girl was called a “living angel” for her doll-like appearance, and thanks to her unique characteristics, she literally broke into the modeling business.

Already at the age of three, Ira gained wild popularity in the States and beyond. Blonde curls, wide blue eyes, a charming smile, a round face and well-chosen images made the baby one of the richest models in the world.

But in all this barrel of honey there was also a place for a fly in the ointment. Ira's parents were harshly criticized for exploiting child labor and harming her health. From an early age, the girl had to visit a solarium before photo shoots, and her light brown hair was dyed ash blonde.

These sacrifices bore fruit in the form of fabulous fees. Two-year-old Brown became a multimillionaire, and Western media did not even dare to estimate the size of her crazy income. With age, Ira's appearance became quite ordinary. She is still a model, but there is no trace of her former success. But, given the fortune she made at two years old, Ira can forget about work forever.


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