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“I lived poorly, in Spartan conditions.” Dmitry Peskov about his daughter Liza’s studies abroad


Dmitry Peskov in an interview with MGIMO 360 spoke about how his daughter lived during her studies: Elizaveta Peskova received her education both in Russia and in France. The journalist who spoke with Peskov noted that she knew his daughter and studied with her in the same year, and that Elizaveta gives the impression of a “well-mannered girl,” unlike many other children of officials. The interviewer asked the president's press secretary how he managed to raise his daughter this way.

According to Peskov, Elizabeth was never a “major”, and she had to overcome difficulties.

"She had a very difficult life and studies. Not only in Russia: she also studied in France. She always lived there very poorly, in very spartan conditions,” said Dmitry Peskov. “She had to overcome enormous difficulties, she spent a long time searching for herself.”

According to him, now the situation has “settled down,” and Elizabeth has become “a fair careerist.” According to him, this has nothing to do with upbringing. “It’s life itself when you overcome some problems. It’s one thing when you’re a major and getting fat, it’s another thing when you have to overcome some problems: how can you rent a cheaper place, how can you save money so that you can buy new jeans at the end of the month, and so on.”

Elizabeth herself previously said that it was her father who taught her “the value of work and responsibility” from early childhood. “He made me understand that a big name can be more of a burden than a privilege. From an early age, thanks to the way my parents raised me, I understood the responsibility I had, without ceasing to work and look for my own path in life,” said Elizabeth

In March last year, the United States imposed sanctions against Elizaveta Peskova and Dmitry Peskov’s wife Tatyana Navka. In June last year they also came under EU sanctions. .


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